Inside Wholesaler Certification - Wholesaler Institute
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Inside Wholesaler Certification

Accelerated Learning with Comprehensive Accountability


Teleconferencing; no travel required.


This is a state-of-the-art, web-based certification – (5 sessions — one per month) – Online and facilitated


Most sales managers understand the need for and the benefits of providing the inside sales team with an effective sales training program. The new hire must learn the essentials of the product and organization, as well as the sales process, to get up and running as quickly as possible. The more experienced wholesaler must learn how to increase results.


Unfortunately, most managers struggle with a variety of outside issues that are training roadblocks. Training obstacles that managers must overcome include scheduling training time, monitoring and measuring results, designing systems for follow-up, and holding the participants accountable.


We have a training solution that solves your inside wholesaler training needs. It’s the Inside Wholesaler Certification Program™. This system combines web training and live coaching. It is an activity-based, learner-driven system that holds the participants accountable every step of the way. No more training that fails to hold the wholesalers accountable for the material!


The Inside Wholesaler Certification Program™ requires participants to:

  • Complete written assignments.
  • Participate in prescheduled live coaching sessions.
  • Demonstrate they have mastered the required skills or required material.
  • Pass a final certification test.


The Inside Wholesaler Certification Program will provide you with a cost-effective training program that gives you precise metrics for measuring results. Wholesalers will be:


  • Actively involved with live coaching and web-based instruction.
  • Motivated to participate.
  • Learning best practices based upon world-class content.
  • Required to demonstrate they have learned the requisite material. The Inside Wholesaler Certification will be customized with the precise content you need to achieve the training results you desire.

To schedule a 15-minute demo or for more information to enroll, call: 310-546-9277