How to Market to High-Net-Worth Households - Wholesaler Institute
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How to Market to High-Net-Worth Households

The typical millionaire is not who you think: Many of this country’s highest-net-worth individuals reside within your midst, ripe with opportunity. Understanding this lucrative niche will enable financial professionals to dramatically increase their production and income.


The high-net-worth household represents an opportunity for ongoing high-margin business and has unlimited potential for financial professionals who are properly positioned.


This program is designed to provide strategies and techniques to create a steady stream of qualified high-net-worth prospects and establish long-term, mutually profitable relationships.


You will learn powerful skills for:

  • Target marketing to high-net- worth households
  • Attracting motivated clients with magnetic positioning
  • Unleashing the power of TADA: Target Audience Design Approach
  • Mastering the art of establishing rapport with the wealthy
  • Doubling your business with strategic alliances
  • Creating marketing systems that guarantee results
  • Conducting client-referral events